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Purple Dragon
Children's Collective
Divine Expressions of the SOUL
We are a children’s Collective, a commUnity and Earth School, where "school" is a community tribe, and each teacher offers something unique.


Using a Whole Child approach, we support self awareness and curiosity. We dream, create, guide and inspire SOULful experiences as we play with creation. We help each child in their landing, a self actualization of 
the soul frequency HERE.

Explore all aspects of life through yoga, earth wisdom, story, art, music, crystals, mindfulness & energy work.

Space Supernova

Who We Are

We are a collective of Teachers, Facilitators, Guides, Educators!  We aim to span the United States as a supportive network of New Earth Educators - a collective of fellow New Earth, Outdoor, Yoga, Sensory, Extrasensory, Spirit Science, Metaphysics: Educators and Creators.  We enjoy supporting each other both online and in person.  Online we can have open discussion, curriculum creation, share ideas and share content and share decompressing tricky moments!  Join our facebook group, "New Earth Educators: EarthStar Kids" if you want to be a part of it all.  In person, we create excursions to the hot springs, hiking and vortex retreats, for each other to play collaborate write in the NEW.  We can also create collaborative opportunities both near and far for offerings we want to see come into fruition.

Boise is our Homease Crew

The Boise, Idaho Crew is our current homebase - as we grow, we will have a different tab for each home base, ie: Portland, Boise, Central Idaho, etc. and eventually each will have our own website where we can share our offerings.  Let's grow!

What We Lead

All of us offer classes, workshops, and experiences for children ages newborn to adulthood.  These experiences are for the soul to divinely express itself and for the human body to ground into being present here on earth.  They are for supporting the growth of a child's total health and wellness with self-love, self-coping skills, and resiliency as important cornerstones.


We all serve under a Spirit Science umbrella.  We are advocates for the self-empowerment and self-actualization of children from a young age.  We support children in showing us who they are and discovering their vast abilities and talents.  We facilitate experiences to open and expand perception, embrace the imagination, creatively express, and allow each individual's soul frequency to shine through.

Contact Us to Join


If you want to begin collaborating and expanding your offerings, let's do it together!  Our email is

We are lovers of life.

We are magnetizers of joy and play.

We are holistic educators.

We are cosmic space holders.

We are leaders.

How We Work


Want to see what classes we are offering?  Click on classes and register for one that is right for your child.


Want us to travel to you and teach at your school or education center?  Email us and we can create the right class for your place of education or children's activity center.

Enjoy one teacher or studio in particular that you see in the guides tab?  You can find their contact information and information on the spaces where they play and what classes they teach by clicking on the guides tab.

Want us to offer a specific class or private session for your children?  Email us and we will see what we can do or will connect you with others as best as we are able.


Want to join our team?  Email us with what you do and we will be thrilled to collaborate.  

© 2017-2024 EarthStar Kids. Proudly created with

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